Do You See Immediate Return on Investment In Marketing?

We all want instant gratification now – no actually we demand it. You didn’t receive a response to the email you sent this morning – send another one! No one liked your post in the first 30 seconds – repost it with another comment and maybe a selfie this time! Have to wait in line at the grocery store as the person in front of you counts out their [*groan] coins? [BIG *sigh]!! The person on the phone didn’t receive your email in .0002 seconds and you wonder if Outlook has crashed and hit the refresh button 3 times – even though it’s someone three time zones away.
We’ve become so accustomed to autoresponders, the never-ending news stream, 24/7 grocery stores, online access to everything that to wait – on anything seems downright wasteful to us. It’s really hard to keep it all in perspective that there are still some things that are driven by a process, that take time to develop – that cannot be rushed. As a business owner who undoubtedly feels the pressure to constantly monitor your phones, email and social media you probably find it as hard as I do to turn off that notion of immediate response when it comes to our return on investment for our marketing dollars.
Unfortunately, that’s not how marketing works. A marketing coach for small business, like the owners from Vision Force Marketing, help business owners identify the return on investment, but they can also talk you off the ledge and keep you from giving up entirely on your marketing when it doesn’t make your phone ring the very next day.
Return on investment is a measurable statistic that can be directly linked to the success (or failure) of a specific marketing plan. There are different variables to be taken into account when calculating a return on investment, and it’s going to take time! Once in a while, you’ll have instant success with an ad or specific marketing campaign, while other times it will take months to see the true return on investment. This is NORMAL! Besides, a solid marketing plan is an investment you make for the strategic, long-term health of your company.
A marketing plan which has been developed by a marketing coach for your small business will show a return on investment at the end. Short-term success is great, but long-term, sustainable success is what you need for business longevity. When your small business is in need of a marketing plan to drive revenue, contact the professionals at Vision Force Marketing. Our experts have the experience and expertise to get your business on a growth trajectory!