![When is the best time to send an email _ Part II [The Answer]](
Do you really want a better year next year? It all starts with curiosity and a desire to uncover the truth. If you really want to know and you are willing to take action – then keep reading because we have 3 very easy steps to get you there!
Ask the following questions for faster growth and more revenue for your small business. But first, there are a couple of rules you’ll need to follow.
RULE #1. Do Not ask close friends or family members – when you are asking for feedback regarding your business, you need to ask those who fall into your Ideal Client profile. If you’re a consultant targeting corporate executives, find someone in your network who is a corporate executive – don’t ask your small business owner buddy.
RULE #2. Be prepared to take corrective action. It’s irritating to be asked for one’s opinion only to find out the person never acted on your advice. To keep your integrity and credibility intact, be ready to fix the issues that are brought to your attention.
If you can abide by those two critical rules, then proceed . . .
How easy is our website to navigate?
The objective here is to find out what the user’s experience is really like. Not what you think it is, or what your boss thinks it is. What it REALLY IS. You are not objective, your boss is not objective. Your mom is not objective.
You’ll want to know if there are broken links, if contact forms are working and if users can easily find what they’re looking for. You’ll also want feedback on how it makes you appear. Is your site loading fast? Is it mobile responsive? Does it instill confidence or does it make the user want to find another company to do business with? If your website isn’t easy to use or doesn’t allow users to contact you, then you’re losing leads.
It doesn’t matter how good you think your website is – they WILL FIND SOMETHING you need to improve. The best part is that it doesn’t cost you anything to ask for a little feedback, although a coffee might be nice.:)
If you don’t have anyone you trust to ask, get your free custom marketing report and we’ll give you objective feedback based on research, statistics and human reactions.
Is it easy to do business with us?
The best plan here is to have a few people secret shop your business to get REAL feedback. People your customer service and/or sales reps don’t know that you know. You want them to treat your secret shoppers just as they would any potential prospect. How is that experience for them? Did they receive a return phone call, prompt and friendly service? If not, you could be leaving a lot of deals on the table.
We have performed countless marketing audits over the years and we find that many recommended corrections are either very inexpensive to correct or obvious to everyone but the people in the business. An unfriendly front desk person will undermine all of your sales and marketing efforts and it’s something everyone will notice, but no one will tell you — unless you ask for objective feedback.
You do have to be willing to receive this feedback without hating the messenger. Some of you will need to remove your touchy-feely hat, put aside your “feelings” and instead put on your no-nonsense, business hat.
QUESTION #3. (This one is for YOU to answer!)
What will I do differently next year to ensure a better year?
What steps are you going to take each month? What goals are you going to assign to yourself (and keep!) to make sure you increase your revenue, profit, and overall business growth?
The best way to start out a new year is with a fresh perspective and enlisting help from some peers is a great way to get a jump start on next year.
Just asking these 3 powerful questions and then addressing the issues that are identified will put you ahead of your peers and your competitors.
Be Curious. Ask. Then Take Action.