How Your Company Can Utilize Sound SEO Practices

I’m sure you already know that Google is one of the driving forces behind all of the changes in search engine optimization, after all they own about 80% of the search engine traffic. Since Google is a powerhouse in the technology world, it’s probably in your best interest to pay attention to what’s happening at Google and leverage sound SEO practices to drive traffic to your own company. Businesses who are new to the world of search engine optimization (or to digital marketing altogether!) are usually unaware of how SEO can contribute to their business growth. Hiring the best internet marketing coach from Vision Force Marketing may be exactly what your company needs to increase your revenue.
There actually is a difference between utilizing search engine optimization practices for local businesses versus an eCommerce business. If you’re new to the world of SEO you may already feel your eyes glazing over. We’re not going to bore you so stay with me for just a moment longer! Companies new to all of this SEO stuff should begin with the most important (and basic) aspect of search engine optimization; unique content. Most likely you’re in a highly competitive market so one way to make yourself stand out, or Own Your Space (as we like to say here at Vision Force Marketing) is to post unique content. The best internet marketing coach can teach you ways in which you can improve your page content as well as your page titles. A little hint, keywords are very important, but their relevancy is starting to wane as Google continues to find ways to give their users the best experience possible. The biggest trend moving forward is definitely moving towards content. However, that doesn’t mean you can abandon key words quite yet. Google also loves the use of title tags and a meta descriptions which can be easily updated on the back end of a website and on your blogs. But none of that matters if your content itself isn’t good. Did I say yet that you need good content? Just to be clear, you need great content!
Ok, I think you got the content part by now so the next step is to find a marketing company who understands the subtle nuances of proper SEO practices who can coach you through it, or take it off of your plate completely. “Everybody” thinks they understand SEO because they read one article or they were well-versed five years ago. SEO is in a constant flux of change and you need to work with someone who understands and keeps up with the every-changing landscape of digital and online marketing. This is exactly why Vision Force Marketing provides the best in internet marketing coaches to every one of the companies we work with. Our professionals drive business results. Call us to find out why we’re different and how we can help you implement the best SEO practices.