The Best Logo Design in St. Charles, IL

Your company logo is the single most important element when it comes to your brand. This is the first thing people often see, it the thing they will see the most and it is, for better or worse, what will speak volumes about the type of company you are.
The best logo design for your company will incorporate and reflect the spirit of your brand and can be achieved when you work with an experienced logo designer. Sure you can work with a low-cost source, but it will cost you in many other ways.
When it comes to good logo design, what you don’t know WILL hurt you and you will want to select a marketing design agency who is well-versed in logo design and branding implementation because it’s more than just getting artwork designed. A great logo will look great in all mediums, in all sizes and will be easy to implement in real-world applications.
Let’s start with the obvious pitfall we see almost weekly – every business owner thinks they can create a great logo for their company without professional help and they end up falling in love with generic logos that look like a company down the street or elsewhere in their competitive online space. They pride themselves on saving money or spend way too much money for something that isn’t special and that does nothing to create or develop their brand.
Business owners have virtually no experience working with graphic artists to create a logo, therefore, they make the mistake of speaking to them as they would any other colleague. They don’t understand that designers have a unique language they speak. In addition, business owners don’t know the difference between original art and clip art, they can’t decipher between good and bad design elements and won’t even think about things like how it will look in different applications. Worst of all, business owners who have no business doing this sort of thing themselves usually find themselves without all the necessary files they need down the road.
To make matters worse, every marketer in the world thinks they know what it takes to create a great logo even though they have little or even no experience. This can be confusing to the average business owner because the person is in marketing, shouldn’t they know about logo design?
If you read Marketing Chomp, you’ll learn just how big of an umbrella term marketing really is and then you’ll begin to realize that logo design is one niche area. So to answer the previous question – no most marketing people aren’t well experienced with logo design.
The stark reality of creating great logo designs is that it takes a very rare combination of big vision, communication, and creativity to really design and develop a logo which really captures a unique brand essence and resonates with a target audience.
Most design marketing agencies have resident designers who are very limited in their scope, creativity or design capability. Most marketing companies who outsource to skilled designers lack the ability to translate the client’s big vision, brand identity and values in language the designer can work with and execute too. Another pitfall I’ve seen marketers fall into is they can get so caught up in a unique design that they completely forget to focus on the application.
At Vision Force Marketing we’ve worked with some of the best logo designers to create powerful, memorable logos that easily transition from website to social media to print to product application seamlessly. That doesn’t happen by accident.
We have the experience, knowledge and expertise to communicate your vision into an articulate design brief which we’re then able to match with the designer who meets your unique project’s needs.
We will create a unique and memorable logo and then we have the ability to help you develop that logo into a powerful brand that will not only separate you from your competition, it will also connect you to your customers in a way that only strong, consistent branding can do.
We created the Downtown St. Charles IL logo because the original marketing agency failed to deliver a vibrant brand that correctly encapsulated all that the Downtown St. Charles Partnership needed it to capture. After the other company failed three times, we delivered a logo very close to the final product with the first round of concepts. You can see the fun, vibrant logo all over the city of St. Charles, Il.
The best logo for your company starts with a design that captures the essence of who you are as a company and speaks to your ideal client. It isn’t good enough to use generic clip art, it will look generic and cheap and that is actually what will become associated with your brand.
Design Marketing Agencies in St. Charles, Il who understand branding and who are able to articulate a company’s vision and translate that into an effective logo are worth every dollar you will spend. If you intend to grow your company to sell it, you will need a strong brand and a unique logo because in some cases that actually adds value to your company.
Don’t make the rookie mistake of relying on what you think because you’re not an experienced marketer. For example, business owners notoriously demand certain colors or a certain look that they like with no thought as to what that really means to their audience. This is not about you. This is about creating a logo that will mean something to your target audience.
When creating a logo, the best graphic design companies will be sure your logo is a design that will work well on social media, that it can be converted into a favicon, that it will look good in black and white for when you can’t print in 4- color. Experienced design agencies who specialize in logo design will also know that if you’re selling a product they have to keep in mind the size and dimensions of your product and what will work well on a product label.
Attempting to create your own logo on Fiverr or any other low-cost site will result in it looking like you did just that. People will be nice, they’re not going to tell you the truth. When you ask they’ll say “It’s great” or “I love it!” They won’t tell you it looks like the guy two doors down or something they drew out on a napkin last week for their own business idea.
Not all agencies will just turn over all files to you so you should ask in advance to be sure you receive everything you will ever need for the logo you’ve paid for.
When working with a creative design agency in St. Charles, IL you should always receive your logo in RGB and CMYK formats which are necessary for the best output for the web and print media. Professional logo designers will additionally provide you the various file formats you will need such as .eps, .jpg, .png, .pdf and your original artwork files in AI or whatever program they created the logo in. They will also tell you what colors and fonts they used. This will be important in the future when you’re trying to color match other marketing materials.
When you work with low-cost sources they will not take the time to do all these steps for you, nor will they even have the foresight or expertise to know what you will need in the future.
At Vision Force Marketing we’ve been working with logos and branding for over 20 years; located in St. Charles, IL we know what will work with your particular company; we will deliver a fantastic, unique & memorable logo and we will help you become a powerhouse brand.